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Heol y Bedw – Hirion
Nearest Town
1 miles from Bargoed
The flower rich grasslands that you find here at Aberbargoed Grasslands National Nature Reserve ( NNR) are very special. They are home to one of Wales' rarest butterflies, the stunning Marsh Fritillary. In fact, it's so rare that that the European Law protects it!
Marsh Fritillaries live in the damp pastures where the purple- flowered , devil's bit scabies grows. In the Summer the butterflies lay their eggs on the underside of the scabious leaves, which eventually hatch into small black caterpillars. For protection, these caterpillars spin a silk like web, sheltering under it in their early days.
Aberbargoed Grasslands Education centre welcomes educational visits from schools.
Marsh Fritillaries live in the damp pastures where the purple- flowered , devil's bit scabies grows. In the Summer the butterflies lay their eggs on the underside of the scabious leaves, which eventually hatch into small black caterpillars. For protection, these caterpillars spin a silk like web, sheltering under it in their early days.
Aberbargoed Grasslands Education centre welcomes educational visits from schools.
Children Welcome
Cater For Groups